New Products and Designs

New Products and Designs

One of the exciting aspects of being a new company is that we’re not tied down by past designs or philosophies. Currently, we’re working on three new products (beyond our sliding mitts), and we’re on track to release two of them by the end of the year. We’re particularly thrilled about one of them: our new batting gloves with Ultra-Feel technology.

When we started Goat’d as a sliding mitt-first company, we anticipated branching out into other products and ideas—perhaps even beyond baseball. However, we never planned to enter the batting glove market due to the intense competition and the high-quality products offered by established brands. Yet, as we explored this field, we noticed a gap in the market. Here’s what we found:

  • High-end batting gloves tend to be too bulky, while low-end gloves are poorly made and fall apart quickly.
  • Higher-end gloves often lack feel because they’re reinforced with extra leather and stitching, resulting in awkward palm patterns and a diminished ability to feel the bat.
  • Lower-end gloves tear too quickly and are made from cheap, plastic-like materials.
  • Brands are focusing too much on their logos as the primary design element, rather than offering thoughtfully designed products. You can only change the colors so many times before the design becomes stale.

We realized that, despite our initial hesitation, we could create something truly unique. In designing and testing our gloves, we developed:

  • High-quality, thinner gloves that provide superior feel and durability.
  • Luxury-grade leather that grips in all elements. During testing, our premium leather improved in wet conditions (something we didn’t expect), giving players confidence regardless of the weather.
  • Designs that are not just about logos and colors, but designs that highlight art.


Even with premium leather and improved features, we wanted to ensure our batting gloves were well-tested and ready for high-performance players. We tested our gloves over a period of six months, with daily testing and a minimum of 100 swings per day. The gloves proved to be durable, with no rips on the top or palm and minimal wear and tear on the fingers and design elements.

What’s Coming and How Much

On the design side, we plan to release two styles this year, with several more coming in 2025. Our designs will cater to serious competitors, not kindergarteners. IYKYK. Our first drop will be the "California Breeze" batting gloves. 

Due to the premium leather and durable materials, we expect the price range to be $95–$105. Each pair will come with a drip case, just like our sliding mitts. Why not offer premium value with best-in-class batting gloves?

We’re eager to share more about our new products, but for now, we’re especially excited about our batting gloves. Stay tuned for updates, and make sure to subscribe to our mailing list so you don’t miss the launch!

Goat'd Team 

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